Donnerstag, 30. August 2007
YAMATO in der alten oper

und noch eine weihnachtskarte

neue weihnachtskarte
this year i have begin very earlier and faster with the christmas cards than the last years. this card are most motives of a napkin
Dienstag, 28. August 2007
meine mailbox
Montag, 27. August 2007
weihnachtskarte nr. 2

this are my results for the recipe-map.
Sonntag, 26. August 2007
scripted heart von memory box
papier/paper: cardstock, patterned paper von rico design
bogen schriftzug von we r memory keepers

sketch #7
nicole had make a new sketch challenge for tildaundco and this is my card for it.
grusskarte dream
so - nun hatte ich keine muss-projekte mehr und ich konnte mich endlich mal wieder einfach so der kreativität hingeben *grins. die ausgeliehenen happy hoppers stempel von sandra liegen ja noch bei mir und so ist dann diese happy hoppers karte entstanden. ich finde die hasen echt sooo süss!!!
stempel/stamps: happy hoppers "relaxing "bubbles" von stampabilities
dream von anna griffin
papier/paper: cardstock, patterned paper von creamotion
Samstag, 25. August 2007
Dienstag, 21. August 2007
karte zur einschulung

today is the first school day of the daughter of friends and so i make this card with the cute tilda for her.
Montag, 20. August 2007

Sonntag, 19. August 2007
sketch-challenge #6
in the yahoo-group tildaundco i have started the sketch challenge #6 with my sketch #03 and that´s my card for the challenge. the combination of the colours bordeaux and creme i find very precious.
Freitag, 17. August 2007

my sketch #03

today i have thought to make a new sketch for tildaundco which we stamp for new cards again. it´s very interesting - every card is different and wonderful while at all cards it´s the same layout.
Donnerstag, 16. August 2007
i´m back
so nun möchte ich aber mein neuestes werk von heute abend zeigen: diese neue tilda finde ich ja allerliebst und gehört zu meinen lieblingsmotiven von magnolia neben tilda vid havet oder tilda med snuttefilt.

in the last days there were many trouble. last week i had terrible toothache, at the weekend i visited my parents and yesterday died an uncle of me - he felt down from a tree. i´m sad about it and makes me thoughtfully how fast it can happens and changes the life completely.
finally today i could make this card with my new stamp tilda med vattenkanna and i want to show it directly. this stamp i find really fine and is now one of my favourite motives besides tilda vid havet or tilda med snuttefilt.
Donnerstag, 9. August 2007
karte mit paper piecing

Mittwoch, 8. August 2007
sketch-challenge #5: happy birthday
last week i have start a new sketch challenge at tildaundco with my sketch #02. i can show this card not until today because i have made this card for a "birthday child" (today).
Sonntag, 5. August 2007
weihnachten im august

karte thank you

today i have made this card with only patterned paer from plaid paper wardrobe. i think this jumping tilda is real for happiness or (her) to say thank you.
Samstag, 4. August 2007
a friend is ill and so i make this card for her. i want to send greetings and hope she will feel better soon.
Donnerstag, 2. August 2007
my sketch #02

today i have made a new sketch for tildaundco again. in the next days the girls of the group should stamp a card. i´m very curious about it. it´s the 5th challenge of the group and the sketch again from me.
Mittwoch, 1. August 2007
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